"Economical study on projects of geranium oil extraction in beni suief governorate"

Abstract: The study aimed at costs, returns factors determining production and cost function for projects of geranium oil extraction in governorate, as well as aimed at defining the main problems faces these projects.
Results indicated the decrease of implementation rate of most these projects as well as the drop of others to continue.
Results showed that the actual productivity represent 6% of the estimated total productivity. The study appoint the least production coasts needed to produce one k. gm of geranium oil, which was lower than production size and only four projects out of 48reach the optimum size of production Results showed that there was a negative relationship between depreciation and electricity costs which indicate irrational use in these tow factors. As for the main problems which face these projects, results showed that costs of gasoline and seasonality of raw material come in the first category case of production problems. Monopoly of exporters and instability of prices represent the main marketing problems. Absence of loans directed to these projects consider the main financial problem facing these projects. Also, there was some administrative problems in getting license, and other problems with agricultural and environmental administrations presents a main obstacle that face these projects. So this study recommends taking administrative and financial measurements to solve the problems that face such projects.
Publication year 2009
Pages 7555-7563
Organization Name
serial title J. Agric Sci. Mansoura Univ
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal