Production of Snacks Supplemented with Different Sources of Protein

Abstract: This study was aimed to improve nutritional and functional properties of corn snacks by using
three different types of protein sources which included chickpea seeds powder as plant source, milkcasein powder as animal source and mushroom powder as microbial source to partialreplacement ofyellow corn grits at levels 5, 10, 15 and 20 %, studies the chemical composition of three differenttypes of protein sources. The results also showed that the effect of these replacement on physicalcharacteristics, organoleptic properties of extruded product .The obtained results revealed that milkcasein powder recorded the highest crude protein content being 93.00% followed by mushroompowder and chickpea seeds powder being 36.98% and 24.38%, respectively, while yellow corn gritshad lower crude protein content being 8.87%. Milk casein powder recorded the highest total essentialamino acid being 65.76 g/100g protein followed by mushroom powder and chickpea seeds powder49.58 and 43.36 g/100 g protein, respectively. The results also showed that the increasing ofreplacement level of yellow corn grits with chickpea seeds powder, milk casein powder andmushroom powder resulted in gradually increased of bulk density and decreased expansion ratio andsensory crispness. The results also showed that the increasing levels replacement of yellow corn gritswith different levels of chickpea seeds powder and mushroom powder caused gradually increasedwater absorption index (WAI) and water solubility index (WSI). But, the replacement of yellow corngrits with milk casein powder caused gradually decreased WAI and WSI by increasing levelsreplacement compared to control sample. The results cleared that the sensory analysis of chickpeaseeds powder, milk casein powder and mushroom powder were successfully replaced yellow corngrits in production of snacks up to 10%, without any change in its sensory characteristics andenhanced by protein.
Key words: Snacks - Chickpea - Mushroom - Milk Casein - Physical properties -Organoleptic
evaluation -Amino acids.
Publication year 2017
Pages 555-565
Organization Name
serial title Current Science International
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    فاطمه احمد ندا معهد بحوث تكنولوجيا الاغذيه
    محمد رشاد يوسف معهد بحوث تكنولوجيا الاغذيه
Publication Type Journal