Utilization of Swiss chard as functional food

Abstract: : Swiss chard(Beta Vulgaris L. Var. cicla )is one of the healthy vegetables. It is a good source of many vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and phenolic compounds. In recent years, Swiss chard has been claimed to be useful for the therapy of diabetic hyperglycemia and have been widely investigated . The aim of this work is to investigate the effects of Swiss chard leaves on tammia (Egyptian food), pan bread and pizza characteristics . Swiss chard leaves (Beta Vulgaris), and coriander leaves used fresh to prepared tammia, coriander leaves, replaced with Swiss chard leaves with different levels replacements ( 25,50,75 and 100%) . Dried Swiss chard leaves was used to make pitzza and pan bread. Dried Swiss chard leaves(DSCL) was used in ratio at 1%,3% and 5% for making pizza and Pan bread. Experiments were planned so that the quantity of the applied Swiss chard in the blends with different levels controlling characteristics of the product were: proximate composition ,minerals content, phenolic compounds content, Ratio of vit. A, sensory evaluation and specific volume of pan bread. The results indicated that the replacement of Swiss chard until 75% in tammia was good of sensory properties, while the replacement of Swiss chard until 100% in, tammia was acceptable sensory properties, but adding dried Swiss chard until 3% in producing pitzza and pan bread with acceptable sensory properties. Also it was found that the most effective replacement and adding percent of Swiss chard in all products improved proximate composition, minerals content, phenolic compounds content and Ratio of vit. A.
[Azza A. Bakry, Mona E. Youssef And Asma A. El Gindy. Utilization of Swiss chard as functional food. Nat Sci
Publication year 2014
Pages 104-111
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal