“Chemical and Bioactive Constituents of Mixed Vegetable Soups

Abstract: A quick prepared vegetable soups technology and nutritive value to support the enhancement of immune system of aged and young children was investigated. The food sources of these formulas were green and red cabbage, onion, oyster mushrooms, carrots, tomato, pumpkin and taro. More cabbage%, mushroom, pumpkin and taro have been distributed in formula 1,2,3, and 4 respectively.,. The others, i.e., tomatoes, onion, and carrot were fixed at 10% in all products wherein, formula 5 had a middle level of cabbage, mushroom and pumpkin. The technology of these quick vegetable soups at those different ratios of each particular food sources was investigated. The 5 product formulas nutritive value has been assessed based on their proximate, minerals, vitamins, and polyphenols and flavonoids final contents. Data obtained showed that all formulas contain a high ratio of minerals, vitamins, polyphenols and flavonoids due to the optimization of selected food ingredient used no matter their ratios. The proximate constituents such as carbohydrates, fiber, ash and protein were oppositely found in formulas 1,2,2,3 and 3 in the same respect. All formulas had less fat than 3%, meanwhile, more menial ions was found in formula 3, but more Ca is presented in formula 1.Samilar fat soluble vitamin distribution can be noticed. The water soluble vitamins were better existed in formula 4. Concerning polyphenols, one may select formula 1 followed with both formulas 2 and 5.The last seems to be the best in containing flavonoids. Sensory evaluation showed no significant differences between all formulas and high score for taste, color, flavor, odor, and texture in addition to acceptable rating and good taste.
Publication year 2014
Pages 1-18
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal