Abstract: Dairy goat mastitis is a disease of great economic importance worldwide as in dairy cows. Bee venom (BV) is synthesized in the venom glands of worker. It exhibits a variety of biological activity including anti-inflammatory effects and antibacterial action. The current study was intended to assess whether ordinary or alga-fed BV- injection (intramamary or subcutaneous) has therapeutic potential against goats sub-clinical mastitis and improves the chemical and bacteriological quality of milk. Honey bees were fed pollen supplement diets containing a different conc. of Spirulinaplatensisalga (40, 50 and 60%). worker’s sealed brood, bee strength and Bee venom weight were determined. The effect of ordinary or alga-fed BV- injection (intramamary or subcutaneous) on goats sub-clinical mastitis was investigated. Hematological and biochemical analyses of blood were performed. Milk samples were cultured to isolate and identificate of responsible pathogens. Somatic cell count (SCC), chemical and bacteriological propertied of milk were determined. The results of bee feeding showed that the colonies fed pollen supplement diet containing 50 % S. platensis(GB) had the maximum bee venom weight, area of sealed worker brood and mean number of combs covered with bees. From animal data, the goat, s group injected intramamary with alga- fed bee venom after 14 days of treatment showed the highest hemoglobin, erythrocytes, Ig G level and the lowest leucocytes count in blood. The blood total protein, albumin and globulin levels slightly decreased in BV treated groups after 14 days of treatment compared to control group. Also, milk analysis revealed that the normal levels of casein, fat, lactose, calcium and the lowest counts of total bacteria, staphylococci, streptococci, coliformes and somatic cells were recorded with the goat, s group injected intramamary with alga- fed bee venom after 14 days of treatment. Hence, alga- fed bee venom treatment increased the rate of bacteriological treatment and reduced SCC at gland compared with control. Isolated pathogenic bacteria were coagulase- negative Staphylococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus sp. and E. coli. It could be concluded that the sub -clinical mastitis goats - intramamary injection with alga -fed bee venom improves the immune response of animals against the etiological agent of mastitis, the chemical and bacteriological quality of milk and may be helpful in improving recovery in dairy goats
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- 2394-5125
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طه عبد القادرغطاس
2قسم بيولوجيا التكاثر- معهد بحوث التناسليات- مركز البحوث الزراعية
حاتم محمد محفوظ
قسم الانتاج النباتي- كلية العلوم الزراعية البيئية- جامعة العريش
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