Studies on moringa (Moringa oleifera) seeds and their uses in human nutritionز

Abstract: This study was directed to evaluate the seeds and different parts of moringa (Moringa oleifera) for chemical composition, minerals, amino acids and phenolic compounds. Also, Evaluating the total phenolic compounds and antioxidative activity (DPPH and ?-carotene-linoleic acid assay) of the total extractable compounds from different parts of moringa using several solvents.
Identification of the volatile compounds from different parts of moringa and oil. Enhancement of the oxidative stability of cactus oil by blending with Moringa oleifera oil. Studying the effect of germination and roasting of Moringa oleifera and Moringa peregrina seeds on fatty acids, tocopherols and triglycerides composition.
From the obtained results, we can conclude that moringa seeds are good source of vegetable oils as well as it contains valuable amounts of minerals especially the leaves. Moringa seeds oil have high nutritional value, hence, it contains high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids especially oleic acid and low in linoleic acid. It appears that blending of high linoleic oils, such as cactus oil, with moringa can increase the oil stability during storage at 50?C for 4 weeks.
Finally, it can be recommended to use moringa seeds oil as well as vegetable edible oils and the polyphenols as natural antioxidants.
Publication year 2019
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    مصطفى احمد عون كلية الزراعة – جامعة كفر الشيخ
    محمد فوزي عثمان كلية الزراعة – جامعة كفر الشيخ
Publication Type PhD Thesis