Abstract: ABSTRACT
This study was designed to produce functionalspredable processed cheese analogue by replacing milk fat with healtheir refined vegetable oils, incorporating whey protein concentrate or its polimarized form and addition of white cauliflower puree as a fat replacer in the spreadable processed cheese analogue plends.Thefirst part was conducted to examine the effect of replacing milk fat by some edible oils (Butter Oil, Rice Bran Oil and Palm Oline) on chemical composition, antioxidant activity and oxidative stability of full-fat, half fat and low-fat spreadable processed cheese analogues. In general, the chemical composition (total solids %, fat %, fat/dry matter, total protein % and ash %) was satisfied to the legal Egyptian standards (ES: 1132-2/2005) with no effect of the type of edible oil used ore storage temperature (5?C or 25?C) after three months. The pH values of fresh samples containing vegetable oils were higher than that containing butter oil (BO). Generally, the pH values decreased in all spreadable processed cheese analogue samples at the end of storage period at both storage temperature used under this study (5?C or 25?C). Regarding the antioxidant activity it was observed that the more fat percent in spreadable processed cheese analogue increased the more antioxidant effect of its methanol extract increased. The replacement of milk fat by RBO led to a higher radical scavenging inhibition and reducing power effect than samples containing PO or BO. All spreadable processed cheese analogues produced under this study showed slight changes in dienes and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values which indicate their stability towards oxidation after three months of storage.The spreadable processed cheese analogue sample containing PO had the lowest viscosity. In the second part, three different types of edabile oil BO, RBO and PO) were used as a source of fat in the production of full fat spreadable processed cheese analogues. A partial substitution of cheese base by either whey protein concentrate (WPC) or its polimarized form (WPP) was also conducted in each blend.Body and texture of spreadable processed cheese analogue contained PWP regardes of edible oils had higher score than those contained WPC.Later, white Couliflower(Brassica oleracea var. botrytis)puree was added to substitute milk fat with different ratios (30, 50, 75 and 100%) to produce healthy spradable processed cheese analoguesWhite Cauliflower could be added up to 50%. Fully fat replacement with White Cauliflower pureed had the lowest total score between treatments.From nutrition and health points of view it is well observed that substitution of milk fat by edible oils are in increase.The adding rice bran oil (RBO) had significant impacts on spreadable processe cheese analogues composition and quality. The adding RBO increased, the properties. flavor, body, texture, color and appearance were improved.The change in physicochemical properties was strongly influenced by the composition and structure of ,whey polymerise- pureed cauliflower fat- matrix ,the improvement in texture properties manifested by higher meltability, lower hardness and adhesiveness.The functional processed cheese with polymerise- White Cauliflower pureed and rice bran oil had excellent acceptability.
Key words:spreadable processe cheese analogue, rice bran oil, palm oline, cauliflower
Publication year 2019
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    إسماعيل حسين إسماعيل عبد الغني كلية الزراعة ، جامعة القاهرة
    سالي سمير جابر أحمد صقر كلية الزراعة ، جامعة القاهرة
Publication Type PhD Thesis