Abstract: This study aims to identify the residues of pesticides used in Egypt in both raw buffaloes' milk and some of its products, and compare it with the safe limit (maximum) allowed in food. The study was completed as follows: 135 samples of fresh buffalo milk, yoghurt, soft white cheese, fresh cream and butter were collected 300 grams each from local markets in three months: January, February and March 2016 from three governorates (Giza, Cairo and Qalioubia) Three samples were collected from Giza Governorate (Faisal, Al-Ayyat and Bulaq), and samples from Cairo Governorate were collected from three places (Abdin, Old Egypt and Bab El Louk). Chevrolet and Whole Street) All samples were placed in Aki Q plastic boxes and transported in Styrofoam under the cooling and stored at -20 ° C The results of the analysis pointed that the contamination by pesticide residues in the samples under study was within the permissible limits except for some samples. It is recommended that pesticide residue be found in the permitted quantities in the most samples. Therefore, it is advisable to use pesticides within the permissible limits, as well as to leave a period of grace for the decomposition of pesticide residues in the plants used as feed before the farm animals are fed to avoid milk. That the heat and primates do not cause the complete decomposition of pesticide residues so that the residues in the ratios of the survey to address them so as not to affect human health.
Publication year 2019
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    فاطمة محمد محمود سلامة استاذ علوم الألبان - كلية الزراعة - جامعة القاهرة
    منير محمود إبراهيم العبد استاذ علوم الألبان - كلية الزراعة - جامعة القاهرة
    ألفت عبداللطيف سيد رضوان رئيس بحوث - مركز البحوث الزراعية - المعمل المركزي للمبيدات.
    وفائي زكي عازر ميخائيل استاذ بيئة الحيوان - قسم الموارد الطبيعية - كلية الدراسات الأفريقية العليا - جامعة القاهرة.
    نرمين إبراهيم عبدالقادر حسن معهد بحوث تكنولوجيا الاغذيه
Publication Type PhD Thesis