Effect of Fortification Breadsticks with Milk Thistle Seeds Powder on Chemical and Nutritional Properties
Abstract: ABSTRACT This work aim to verify the importance of milk thistle seed powder (MTSP) as a medicinal plant and effect of fortification wheat flour (WF) with MTSP on chemical and nutritional properties. Therefore, the chemical composition such as ether extract, dietary fiber, crude protein, vitamin C, amino acids and minerals contents were determined. Also, the antioxidative properties such as phenolic compounds and flavonoid compounds and scavenging activity on DPPH free radicals were also determined. Furthermore, the possibility to use MTSP in bread sticks preparation, where the use of MTSP as replacer of WF at different extents (4, 8 and 12%) to prepare bread sticks rich in protein and minerals, as well as organoleptic evaluation of prepared bread sticks were investigated. Results indicated that MTSP have high amount of protein (25%), ether extract (25.56%), crude fiber (29.68%), minerals content (4.55%), vitamin C (4.59 mg?g), flavonoids (20,65 mg/g), and phenolic compounds (40.33 mg as Gallic /g) (antioxidants) which, could be used as alternative natural source for synthetic antioxidants in industry. The indispensable and dispensable amino acids are more abundant in MTSP protein. Sensorial evaluation of the obtained products indicated that successful replacement was 4, 8 and 12% of MTSP. So, it could be recommended to use the investigated plant seeds in bread sticks production for its nutritional concept and Antioxidative effects. Finally, the use of inexpensive available natural sources of bioactive material and incorporated to our low-cost foods for treatment or protection of our widespread disease is innovated road to produce low price therapeutic foods available to wide levels of our people.
Publication year |
Pages |
1 - 9
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serial title |
Asian Food Science Journal
Author(s) from ARC |
External authors (outside ARC) |
جمال سعد الحديدي
معهد بحوث تكنولوجيا الأغذية – مركز البحوث الزراعية – الجيزة – مصر
ايمان عبدربه يوسف
كليه الاقتصاد المنزلي - جامعه كفرالشيخ
Publication Type |