Production of biscuits low phenylalanine for people Suffer from phenylketonuria

Abstract: Potato and sweet potato flours used to produce biscuits for-people safer from phenylketonuria, also corn starch supplementation of wheat flour used to produce biscuits contain lower content phenylalanine compared with biscuit from wheat flour (control). Corn starch substitute by 50, 60 and 70 % (w? w) of wheat flour. The effect of thinking agent of potato and sweet potato viscosity at different rpm studied.
These results indicated that the potato and sweet potato flour contain lower content of protein and phenylalanine than wheat flour. The xanthin gum cause higher viscosity of potato and sweet potato flour compared with anther thinking agent and control samples. Corn starch supplementation of wheat flour had significant decrease of biscuits protein and phenylalanine content compared with biscuit control. The potato and sweet potato flour showed significant decrease of physical properties of biscuits (diameter; thickness and specific volume) while it had significant increase of spread ratio and bulk density of biscuits. The organoleptic evaluation of biscuits produced from potato and sweet potato flour was more suitable compared with biscuit produced from whole potato and sweet potato flour. The corn starch supplementation of wheat flour showed more economic feasibility studies than potato and sweet potato flour
Publication year 2008
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal