Abstract: The use of soy as food ingredient has recently grown in food industry as a result of its health benefits, technological and functional properties. The study was carried out to prepare functional products such as spreadable tofu, processed tofu cheese and croissants. A preliminary experiment was carried out and from the organoleptic assessment to select the base components. Six formulated spreadable tofu with different flavors were prepared; control without addition, and with chopped green olives, ground black pepper + chopped green peppers, sugar; guava pulp and peach pulp. To evaluate the effect of tofu on quality of processed cheese, four treatments of processed tofu cheese were formed, control processed ras cheese, T25, T25, T50, and T75 with 25, 50 and 75% tofu, respectively. Moreover seven croissant samples were prepared with spreadable tofu blends and five samples with processed tofu cheese treatments as filling materials.
The prepared samples were evaluated chemically, physiologically, microbiologically and organoleptically to ensure different qualities, as fresh and after storage at 5±1?C for 3 month except croissant samples stored at room temperature up to 3 days.
The obtained results indicated that the spreadable tofu blends exhibited high antioxidants activities, and acceptable physiological properties. The sensory test of tofu blends proved the superiority of compared to control. Sensory evaluation of tofu blends confirmed that T1 and T4 showed the highest significant total acceptability evaluation scores, followed by T5 and then scores of T3 and T2. While, organoleptic test of processed cheese analogues proved the superiority of T25 (25% tofu), followed by T50 and control. While, there were no significant differences were observed among in total acceptability scores of control and T50. The croissant samples confirmed that the croissant samples with the tofu blends were more acceptable than the control sample. Sensory properties of croissant with processed tofu cheese analogues samples, Cp1 and Cp2 exhibited the best assessed parameters.The microbiological investigation assured the safety of the blends. The recommended daily allowances of protein, fat, calorie and carbohydrate were calculated for children aged 1-3 and 4-8 years old for spreadable tofu blends, processed cheese analogues and croissant pastry samples.
Key words: Function properties , croissant pastry, spreadable tofu, processed cheese analogues , organoleptic test, safety, physiological properties,
Publication year 2018
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    أميرة صابر عبد السلام اسماعيل
Publication Type PhD Thesis