Increase market value of iced Milky added natural sources of antioxidants

Abstract: Ice milk was made by using 20% from mandarin blends or papaya or papaya mixed with mandarin blends as source of β carotene. mandarin blends having 25%, 35%, 50% peel and papaya mixed with mandarin blends having 50% peel at ratio (2:1) respectively.
Total solids, fat protein, carbohydrate, ash, specific gravity, weight per gallon, viscosity and pH of prepared ice milk mixes also, over run, melting resistance and organoleeptic properties were determined of the obtained ice milk were evaluated. β carotene and vitamins B3, B6 and C were determined of raw material. Ice milk fortified with antioxidants can be considered as a good source of β carotene, fiber and vitamins. Organoleptic properties showed that these functional ice milk fortified with papaya or fortified with mandarin blends containing 25% and 35% of peel, gained higher total scores than control. Mandarin ice milk characterized with high excellent odor and sprightly flavour and yellow golden colour. While papaya ice milk characterized with smooth texture, good flavour and yellow colour.

Publication year 2009
Organization Name
City Cairo
serial title Food Tech. Res., Ins.Agric. Res. Center, Giza, Egypt
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    عايدة سليمان سالم معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى – مركز البحوث الزراعية – الجيزة – مصر
Publication Type Journal