Nutrient Intake for Children and (Stunting and Underweight) Phenomena in Rural and Urban Areas of Egypt

Abstract: This study is concerned with the food consumption pattern in Egypt, to provide information about the dietary and nutritional status of children age 2-6 years. A stratified multistage, random sampling design used to select 3970 families, from Giza, Sharkia, Domiat, Bihira and Bani-Suif governorates in both urban and rural areas distributed according to the relative importance. A single quantitative recall of all food consumed during the previous 24-hr for children (age 2-6 years) were studied.
There was no problem in dietary intake of energy and protein, while there was a deficiency in dietary intake of micronutrients. There was an increase in the ratio of those who get less than 50% of the dietary intake of nutrients, especially vitamin A, C, B12, iron, zinc and calcium, and this percent increase in rural areas in compare to urban areas.
Results of analysis of variance show that the highest daily intake of protein, vitamin A, B12 and calcium was in urban areas and these results were significant at 0.05% level. The highest daily intake of energy, protein, zinc, calcium and vitamin B6 were for children in Domiat governorate. While the highest dietary intake of vitamin A and vitamin B12 were for children in Giza governorate and the highest dietary intake of vitamin C was in Sharkia governorate and these results were significant at 0.05% level.
Results showed that one third of children suffer from Stunting phenomena (37%) and this ratio was the highest in Giza governorate while Sharkia governorate was the lowest one. Also this percent increase in urban areas in compare to rural areas. The percent of underweight reach 22.1% for the sample and it is the highest in Domiat and the lowest in Sharkia governorates. While the percent of wasting (weight/hight) reach 10.7% for the sample and it is the highest in Giza and the lowest in Sharkia governorates.
Publication year 2009
Pages 7-9
Organization Name
serial title المركز الدولى للبحوث والأستشارات كوميبصل
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal