Nutritive and Economic Study On Primary School Pupils in Egypt

Abstract: This study aimed at realizing the effect of some socio-economic factors (i.e. family size, educational status and family income) on macronutrients (i.e. energy, protein ) and micronutrients (i.e. Vit. A, Vit. C, Iron and Zinc and Calcium) intake for primary school pupils in Egypt, also this study aimed to realize the anthrobometrical status of those pupils as well as their behavior towards consumption of food.
Results showed that percapeta intake from macro and micronutrients tend to increase as far as family size decrease, and these results was significantly improved.
Results showed that percapeta intake from macro and micro-nutrients tend to increase as far as family income increase, and these results was significantly improved.
Results showed that percapeta intake from macro and micro-nutrients tend to increase as far as educational status of the mothers of the pupils under study increase, and these results was significantly improved.
In regard to anthropometrical status, the result showed a high percent of pupils of low weight, as this percent reach 44.5%, 48.3% of them showed normal weight, while 4.8% were overweight and 2.4% were obese.
In respect to the behavior of those pupils towards food, results showed that 47% of them don't take breakfast meal. As for animal protein, 44% of them prefer eating of red meat, 41% of them prefer eating of poultry and 14% of them prefer eating of fish. Also 70% of them of them prefer drinking of milk while 80% of them prefer eating of eggs.
Publication year 2006
Organization Name
serial title المؤتمر الدولي لجودة الأغذية (كوميبصل)
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Conference/Workshop