Overview of the Food Consumption Pattern in Egypt from 1994 till 2007

Abstract: The aim of the present work is to provide information about the dietary and nutritional status of the population and to provide the relationships between diet and health. Also, to determine the factors affecting dietary and nutritional status.
This study is concerned with the food consumption pattern in Egypt. A stratified multistage, random sampling design used to select 22779 families, between 1994-2007, from 27 governorates in both urban and rural areas distributed according to the relative importance. There are 7 governorates which were restudied again to compare the nutritional status between the two periods to find the difference in the nutrients between the two periods. A single quantitative recall of all food consumed during the previous 24-hr for women and children (age 2-6 years) were studied.
From this study, it could be abstracted that energy and protein intakes were generally adequate. Substantial proportion of children had diets which were low, in comparison with the recommended intakes, of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B12, calcium, zinc and iron. Almost 36.8% of children classified as stunted, rural children are most likely to be stunted more than urban children. The level of stunting varies significantly by geographic region. Results also showed that 39.8% of the mothers were obese and the percent increased in urban areas in compare to rural areas. And results showed that one third of children suffer from stunting phenomena (36.8%). Also this percent increase in rural areas in compare to urban areas.
The results showed that there is a decrease, in most restudied governorates, in the intake of the micronutrients, in the second phase.
Publication year 2009
Organization Name
City Cairo
serial title المؤتمر الدولي لجودة الأغذية (كوميبصل
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Conference/Workshop