The effect of biofertilization use on maize grain quality and quantity, as bread quality when mixed with wheat flour

Abstract: Two field experiments were conducted during two successive seasons (2003 and 2004)to evaluate the effect of biofertilizaers use, i.e., Azotobacter, Bacillus and yeast, each indvidually or in combination on grain yield, physical, chemical and technological properties of maize grain of Giza 2, single hybrid 10 (Sc10) and three-way hybrid 310 (H310). Results revealed that maize grain seeds showed significant varietal differences regards 100-grain weight, grain yield, hull%, germ% and endosperm%. Biofertilizers application increased significantly the aforementioned characteristics of the studied cultivars. It was clear that Giza 2 when inoculated with Azotobacter records the highest 100-grain weight and grain yield. Regarding the chemical composition of maize grain, it could be noticed that biofertilizers affected all chemical contents, where total carbohydrates was increased while protein contents was decreased. The highest values of protein content were recorded for Giza2 variety, whereas H310 records the lowest one. Maizegrain were milled and blended with wheat flour (72%)at the ratio of 10 and 20% to produce traditional balady bread. The produced bread was characterized with best sensory evaluation due to biofertilization with Azotobacter and Bacillus inoculums for single hybrid followed by three-way hybrid inoculated with the biofertilizer mixture.
Publication year 2006
Pages 222-233
Organization Name
serial title Egypt.J. of Appl. Sci.
ISSN 1110-1571
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal