Abstract: Low calorie apricot jam was formulated by replacing sucrose with different equivalent levels sweetening power of stevioside . The produced jams were stored for 6 months at 25 C , during which they were screened for chemical and sensory properties . Jam acidity increased with increasing the extent of stevioside substition .Although, storage had very slight impact on jam acidity , ascorbic acid deceased noticeably with all prepared stored jams. However, stored stevioside sweetened jams showed relatively lower reduction in ascorbic acid referring to a protective effect.pH values showed no clear changes during storage > Total soluble solids (TSS) WERE ASSOCIATED WITH SUCROSE RATIO; REPLACING sucrosewith gradual ascending proportions of stevioside during the preparation of jam resulted in parallel gradual derease in TSS. Total calories were reduced to minimum (88% reduction) with full replacement of sucrose with stevioside.Sensory evaluations manifested that the prepared jams were significantly changed by the ratio of sucrose substitution with stevioside > Colour was the only factor in the panel tests being affected by storage period.
Publication year 2004
Pages 137-149
Organization Name
City Cairo
ISSN 1110-6336
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    فريد حسن بدر كليه الزراعه - جامعه الزقازيق و الشرقيه
    محمود زكي سطوحي كليه الزراعه - جامعه الزقازيق و الشرقيه
    احمد عادل البدوي كليه الزراعه - جامعه الزقازيق و الشرقيه
Publication Type Journal