Implication of Historical Weather Data on Wheat Yield Prediction Sown under Different Sowing Dates at Middle Egypt Region

Abstract: This work is concerned with (I) developing regression equation to make future predication of wheat yield and (ii) to test the validity of these equations. Yield data covering the period (1973-2003) were regressed on averages temperature, solar radition and amount of precipitation at El-Fayoum Govenorate for the some period. Four equations. To link yield with sowing date each pertaining to a growth stage of the crop were thus developed. To verify these equations, wheat yields from two seasons experiment including the cultivars Sakha 69, sids 1, Sakha 93, Giza 169, and Gemmeiza 7 were used. Predicated yield was compared with actual yields of these cultivars. In addition, weather parameters (1990-2000) were utilized to predict wheat yields for there seasons in a row. Predicted yield were also comparad will actual ones. Results indicated the applicability of equation in the prediction of yield with great precision. As for cultivars, results indicated that they were quite comparable in productivity, if grown no later them the last week of November. In case of delay till the second week of December, it is recommened to grow Gemmeiza 7, Sakha 69 or Sids 1. In very late sowings, the fourth week of December, it is preferable to grow either Gemmeiza 7, or Sakha 69.
Publication year 2004
Pages 439-448
Organization Name
Country Egypt
serial title Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtoher
Volume 42 . 2
Department Experimental Design and Computer Programming
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal