Abstract: The present investigations were conducted during 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 at Etay El- Baroud Research station. Estimating of combining ability is useful to assess genotypes and elucidate the nature and magnitude of gene actions involved. The aim of this study was to determine the combining abilities of some wheat genotypes for yield and some yield related traits by using line × tester mating method. Nine wheat lines were used as females and three wheat genotypes were used as males (testers). The lines number 7 and 8 were good combiners for physiological maturity date, spike length, total yield per plant, grain yield/plant and straw yield/plant. The T1 (line 3) and T3 (gemmeiza 11) were good combiners for spike length, total yield/plant, number of grains/spike, 1000-grain weight and straw yield/plant. The hybrids L7xT1,L1xT2, L2xT2and L4 × T3 were found as the best hybrids for physiological maturity date, number of spikes/plant, plant height, spike length, total yield plant, number of grains/ spike, grain yield/plant and straw yield/plant. The hybrid L4 × T2 had the best SCA effects to increase thousand grain weight. The specific combining ability (SCA) effects were generally found higher than general combining ability effects (GCA) in terms of the agronomic traits studied. As a result, low ratios of ?2 GCA/ ?2SCA, (?2D/ ?2A)1/2, and low narrow sense heritabilities showed that non-additive effects controlled the traits studied. Hence, the selection process for superior individual plants should be postponed to later generations like F4 or F5.
Publication year 2018
Organization Name
serial title المجلة المصرية لتربية النبات
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    عبد العزيز ابراهيم يحيى
Publication Type Journal