Abstract: The presence of genotype × environment (G × E) interaction is a main challenge to plant breeders, since large interaction could reduce earning from selection and complicate the identification of superior genotypes. This investigation aimed to identify the superior sesame genotypes with both mean performance and response to improving environment and high stability besides, to compare between the applications of graphical presentation by AMMI and GGE biplot analyses to determine high yielding and stable genotypes. Twenty sesame genotypes were grown in a randomized complete block design with three replications during four summer seasons (2014 through 2017) in three locations (Shandweel, El-Mtaana and Al-Eweinat). Results showed significant mean squares for genotypes, environments and (G × E) interaction indicating that the tested genotypes showed different responses to the environmental conditions. Pooled analysis showed that 30.20% of the total sum of squares was attributed to environment while the genotype and GxE interaction items explained 37.36% and 11.19%, respectively. Using Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) method, the highest seed yield and stable genotypes were N.A.310-2 (G15), N.A.308 (G18), N.A. 167 (G8), H104 F2-7 (G3), and H102 F2 (G1). The GGE biplot suggested the existence of two mega-environments including seven and five environments with wining genotypes G13 (N.A.245-2) and G16 (N.A.497), respectively. According to mean vs. stability graph, N.A.310-2 (G15), N.A. 128 (G5), H102 F2 (G1), H106 F4 (G4) and N.A. 153 (G6) were better genotypes demonstrating higher seed yields and higher stability of performance across the tested locations. Concerning the discriminating power vs. representativeness graph, it is observed that Environment (E2) (Representative as ideal environment) is ideal for selecting superior genotypes. On the other hand, E3 could be useful in selecting unstable genotypes.
Publication year 2018
Organization Name
serial title المجلة الدولية للبحوث التطبيقية
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    فنجرى شحات صديق
    ومحمد وحيد شوقي محمود
    الحسين محمد موسى النني
Publication Type Journal