Abstract: The study was carried out during the three growing seasons from 2010/11 to 2012/13, at Giza Research Station, ARC, Egypt in order to determine the genetic behavior of F1's and F2's of four cross combinations resulting from six faba bean genotypes as parents. Results revealed that the studied genotypes significantly differed for all studied traits in both F1 and F2 generation mainly due to genetic diversity. Heterosis, inbreeding depression, heritability (broad sense) and correlations were studied for seed yield and some of its components. The results showed that the heterotic effects are due to both dominance and epistasis effects of genes. Five traits (plant height, number of pods, seeds/ plant, 100-seed weight and seed yield / plant) had significant heterosis values in same crosses, indicating to the presence of parental variations which could be considered as promising for faba bean breeding program aiming for producing hybrid faba bean.
Highly significant and positive estimate of inbreeding depression in the first cross for number of branches/ plant were detected and in the first, second and third cross in number of seeds/ plant and seed yield/plant, indicating to high role of non-additive gene action for these traits. Heritability estimates in broad sense ranged from 91.36 to 79.96% in F1's and from 72.75 to 61.78% in F2's. High heritability estimates coupled with high genotypic coefficient of variability were observed for number of pods, seeds, branches and seed yield per plant traits a cross two generations, suggesting that these traits may be controlled by additive type of gene action and could be improved through either individual selection or simple mass selection. The results of correlation coefficients indicate that selection for each or both of number of pods per plant and number of seeds per plant would be accompanied by high yield and would be effective for the improvement of seed yield per plant in faba bean.
Publication year 2013
Pages 57-66
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    السعيد عبد المجيد عبد الغنى الإمام قسم بحوث المحاصيل البقولية – معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقلية – مركز البحوث الزراعية
Publication Type Researsh & Applied Activities