Shelf life Extension of Mallow by Means of a Modified Evaporative Cooler

Abstract: An evaporative cooling system was manufactured and constructed at Rice Mechanization Center (RMC) at Meet Eldeebah village, KafrElsheikh Governorate, Egypt to extend the storage life of fresh Jew's mallow (variety of Alaskndrany). The main aim of the current investigation was to assess the locally developed evaporative cooler. Measurements of air temperature and relative humidity for both the ambient conditions and evaporative cooler were monitored by digital humidity-temperature meter. The developed evaporative cooler was evaluated in terms of Jew's mallow weight loss, drops in temperature, evaporative effectiveness and raises in the relative humidity. The evaporative cooler performance was investigated by studying three different levels of superficial air velocities The evaporative cooler had cooling potential of 9.1°C of 0.13, 0.17 and 0.21m/s, three different water flow rates of 1, 2 and 3?/h and two different thicknesses of jute fiber pad of 7 and 10cm. The results obtained from the experiments indicate that the optimum performance of the developed evaporative cooler was at superficial air velocity of 0.21m/s, water flow rate of 4?/h, and pad thickness of 10cm which increases the shelf life period under achieved relative humidity of 98.7%, and weight loss rate of 0.85% at 20.2°C evaporative cooler air temperature. The evaporative cooler had cooling potential of 9.1°C at ambient air temperature of 29.3°C and relative humidity of 68.8%.
Publication year 2021
Pages 61-68
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    سعيد الشحات عبد الله كلية الزراعة - جامعة كفر الشيخ
    وائل محمد المسيري كلية الزراعة - جامعة كفر الشيح
Publication Type Journal