Chemical and Technological studies on mung bean (vignaradiota roxb.)

Abstract: Mung bean (MB) is a newly introduced legume seeds cultivated by MOA to tests its productivity under the local conditions. The chemical composition of locally produced MB seeds and its defatted form (DWMM) as well as their flour (SMF and GMF), high protein content (SMFHP and GMFHP) and isolate (SMFPI and GMFPI) prepared from ungerminated and germinated MB seeds was carried out. Fatty acid composition and mineral contents of the 8 forms of MB were also investigated. The biological value of MB proteins was estimated by determining the amino acid composition of the different investigated prepared forms. On the other hand, a technological study was undertaken to elucidate the most promising products which could be produced from the different investigated 8 MB forms. However, the functional properties of the various prepared products of MB were studied by estimating the nitrogen solubility and foaming properties as well as water absorption and oil absorption capacities. The physical dough tests for blends of MB products and wheat flour were estimated by farinographs. Furthermore, the sensory evaluation of both cooked MB and Egyptian baladi bread prepared from MB-wheat flour blends were evaluated.

Key words: Chemical composition, Mung bean, High protein content, Protein isolate, Fatty acid composition, Mineral contents, Amino acid composition, Functional properties, Farinograph, Sensory evaluation.
Publication year 1998
Availability location المركز الإقليمي للأغذية والأعلاف- ش جامعه القاهرة - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Publisher Name: وائل حلمى موسى الرفاعى
Place: كلية الزراعة جامعة عين شمس - علوم وتكنولوجيا الأغذية
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    ا.د ابراهيم محمد حسن خليل كلية الزراعة - عين شمس - علوم أغذية
    ا.د محمد سامى الحباك كلية الزراعة - عين شمس - علوم محاصيل
    ا.د يسرى أحمد عبد الدايم كلية الزراعة - عين شمس - علوم أغذية
Agris Categories Food processing and preservation
Human feeding.
Proposed Agrovoc بذور المانج;
Publication Type Master Thesis