Soybean- Quinoa drinks from newiy introduced Quinoa Varieties in Egypt

Abstract: This study was aimed to evaluate some of quality attributes and industrial uses of Quinoa newly introduced to Egypt . Different levels of Quinoa extract and soymilk ( fermented and unfermented) , were mixed to produce new untraditional , vegetarian and palatable soybean-Quinoa drinks with high balanced nutritive value and cheap . All chemical constituents of Quinoa were determined , as well as the chemical composition of the best acceptable soybean-Quinoa drinks were also determined at diffirent storage period .
Publication year 2009
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    أحمد سعيد كامل
    لبنى عبد الفتاح هريدى
Publication Type Researsh & Applied Activities