Anthocyanin and carotenoid contents assessed by time¬resolved reflectance spectroscopy in potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) with different flesh colors

Abstract: This work aimed at studying the relationships between the absorption spectra acquired by time¬resolved reflectance spectroscopy (TRS) and the carotenoid (CAR) and/or the anthocyanin (ANT) contents in 9 potato genotypes with different flesh color (white, yellow, red, purple). Fifty whole and intact tubers/genotype were non¬destructively measured by TRS in the 540¬980 nm range; white¬ and yellow¬fleshed were ranked according to increasing µa 540, the red ones according to µa 670 and the purple ones according to µa 780. Then, 5 tubers/genotype, corresponding to the highest, the lowest and 3 intermediate values of each ?a range, were analyzed for flesh color and CAR and ANT contents. In white¬ and yellow¬fleshed genotypes, µa 540 ranged from 0.078 to 0.207 cm¬1, showing the highest value in ‘Melrose’ and in ‘ISCI 133/12¬1’ and the lowest ones in ‘Romantica’ and in ‘CN 07.16.3’. In red¬fleshed tubers, µa 670 ranged from 0.049 to 0.146 with no significant differences between genotypes; in purple¬fleshed genotypes, µa 780 ranged from 0.147 to 0.473, showing the highest values in ‘Bleuet’. CAR content ranged between 0.071 to 5.937 mg kg¬1 FW, displaying the highest amounts in the deep yellow genotypes ‘Melrose’ and ‘ISCI 133/12¬1’ and the lowest ones in the white ‘CN 07.16.3’ and in the dark purple ‘Bleuet’ tubers. ANT content ranged from 31.63 to 798.44 mg kg¬1 FW in red¬purple genotypes, having the highest values in ‘Bleuet’, it was possible to predict CAR (R2 CV=0.79, RMSECV=0.89) and ANT (R2 CV =0.81, RMSECV=95.53) contents and flesh color (h°) in yellow¬fleshed genotypes (R2 CV =0.93, RMSECV=0.67) and purple genotypes (R2 CV =0.82, RMSECV=1.63).
Publication year 2020
Pages 71¬80
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    أ. د. آنا ريزولو أستاذ مساعد بمعهد البحوث الزراعية – ميلانو.
Publication Type Journal