Application of optical properties in water purification quality testing

Abstract: The current study was performed to test filtration media system performance on quality of water purification and to evaluate optical properties, such as reflection, transmission and absorption intensities for filtered water using a spectrophotometer operating in the range 350–400 nm. Head losses through filtration system at the experiments were equal to 20, 40, and 60 kPa. With the progress of the filtration process and increase in different head loss (from 20 to 60 kPa), both the content of total suspended solids and turbidity in optical properties intensities for filtrated water increased, together with the water cloudiness. It is shown that the intensity of optical properties can be considered a reliable indicator that to determine the need for backwashing of the filtration system.
Publication year 2021
Pages 895-903
Organization Name
serial title استخدام المياه والتكنولوجيا. المجلد (16)، العدد (3) ، صفحات 895- 903
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    حلمي السيد حسن
    حسن حجازي
Publication Type Journal