Design Prototype of Bio-filter to Treatment of Carbon Dioxide Gas Exhausts

Abstract: The research aims to design and fabricate prototype of a bio-filter which used to process the emissions of CO and CO2.That are mainly generated from the combustion of coal, oil and natural gas. These are main energy resources in our daily life which used in different food activities as food factories and charcoal grills. The prototype consists of cylinder steel with two covers, two tubes welded on the outer face of each cover and candle of filter. Candidate was consisting of two circle walls and the space between two walls was 2 cm. In the experiments were conducted on four cases from bio materials as follows:-grinded ficus, green and dry leaves ; wet and dry sawdust . Measurements were done at five times after start emittion; 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 min. The moisture contents of the agricultural residues (bio-materials) was estimated before and after experiments.Leaves chemical analysis was done to determine the CO, CO2 before and after experiments. Also, CO, CO2 were measured in the air before input prototype and after output. The concluded results at using bio-filter were: - with green leaves: CO2 ratio decreased to 18% , CO decreased to 2 %. Then the absorb of "C" ratio by green leaves was 4.5%. - With dry leaves: CO2 decreased to 15 %, CO ratio didn’t change .And absorb of "C" ratio by dry leaves was 0.07%. - With wet sawdust: CO2 decreased to 0.03% and CO ratio didn’t change. - With dry sawdust: CO2 and CO didn’t change. the final conclusion was the ficus green leaves is the best bio-materials can use in bio-filter.
Publication year 2022
Pages 699 – 704
Organization Name
serial title gypt. J. Chem. Vol. 65, No. 3 pp. 699 – 704., (
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    أحمد الراعي إمام سليمان
    جمال الدين محمد نصر
Publication Type Journal