Effect of different furrow – irrigation systems on cotton productivity, water use efficiency and some insects population .
Abstract: Uncoated seeds of Volkamer lime (Citrus volkameriana) were taken, washed, sterilized and cultured on MS medium. The resultant seedlings were divided into node cuttings and planted on proliferation medium. Agar, gelrite laponite 445 with the concentrations of 8, 1.5, 60 and 15 g / l, respectively, and their combinations were used as gelling agents. Besides, medium types (solid, semi-solid and liquid) were studied and purified agar was used as gelling agent with the rate of 8 g / l for solid and 4 g / l for semi-solid medium. The plantlets produced were planted on rooting medium of MS with the same gelling agents added before. The results showed that gelrite in combination with agar was the most superior gelling agent in increasing proliferation, growth, rooting, gelling strength and chlorophyll content. Browning and necrosis were decreased greatly by using the above combination. Adding gelrite to the starch greatly improved the above characters. Laponite 445 failed entirely as gelling agent since its pH, EC, and osmotic pressure were very high which increase water stress and induce micronutrient deficiencies. Semi-solid medium produced the highest proliferation and reduced necrosis while liquid medium accelerated growth and rooting.
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J.Agric. sci. Mansoura univ
Department |
Cotton Agronomy Research
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Author(s) from ARC |
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