Rediscovering Red Blood Cells: Revealing Their Antigens Store

Abstract: This paper describes a newly observed phenomenon related to red blood cells (RBCs). We found that plasma from a healthy individual immune-reacted with hemolysates from the same person and from other individuals. This strongly suggested presence of antigens in RBCs and corresponding antibodies in plasma. Those RBCs’ antigens are different from RBCs proteome. Those antigens can be separated using plasma / serum of blood from which RBCs were taken. It is found that those antigens consist of HLA antigens, tissue specific antigens, and foreign antigens. The foreign antigens can be fetus antigens in pregnant females, microorganisms’ antigens, food, insects or other antigens from environment. The collection of those transported antigens represents a dynamic store. Consequently, RBCs may play role in tolerance through transporting those antigens to central organs of the immune system. The experiments, which have been done, reveal some of the antigens of the store, and show how this phenomenon can be exploited, for instance, in diagnosis of human tuberculosis (TB). In effect, this work opens a new avenue of research and hopes.
Publication year 2011
Pages 220-226
Organization Name
serial title American Science
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    Serhiy Souchelnytsky, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Publication Type Journal