Influence Of bromoxynil rate and time of application on weed control, yield and yield components of wheat under two N levels

Abstract: Field experiments carried out for two seasons on the interaction between bromoxynil rate and time of application under two nitrogen levels , revealed that the best weed control and wheat yield ( Grain and straw ) was obtained by 1.5 L / feddan bromoxynil applid after 6 weeks of sowing under 60 units of nitrogen ( the recommended treament of Ministry of Agriculture ) .
Reducing the rate of the herbicde to 0.75 L . / fed . and delaying the application to 8 weeks after sowing also gave a very good interaction under the high N level and was not significantly different in the weed contron or grain and straw yield field from that obtained by the recommenended treat – ment . Moreover increasing the rate to 1.25 L . / fed bromoxynil did not increase the yield signi – ficantly when interacted with any time of applic – ation or nitrogen levels .
The results obtained in this study indicate that it is possible to reduce the cost of weed control in wheat by reducing the rate of bromo – xynil and delaying the time of aoolication with – out any effect on the performance of the herbicide or the grain and straw yield of wheat .
Publication year 1987
Pages pp. 127-142
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title Assiut Journal of Agricultural sciencees
Author(s) from ARC
Economic analysis. Herbicides. Triticum aestivum. Weed control. Yield components. Yield increases.
Publication Type Journal