The Interaction Between N Levels And Weed Control Methods On Faba Bean ( Vicia Faba,L.)

Abstract: Field experiments were carried out for two seasons to investigate the influence of the interaction between rate of N and Weed control treatments on the susceptibility of weeds. The results showed that hand hoeing, topogard and terbutryn were the best weed control treatments in both seasons. Weeds, however, acted differently from the point of view of interaction between level of N and the susceptibility to herbicides used. Thus most of the herbicides were more effective on Tooth pick Ammi Spp. And total weeds under the lower N levels; while the same treatments were more effective on Bur clover Medicago hispida in general under the highest N level. The susceptblity of other weeds to different weed control treatments was generally not affected by the N level used. The yield (seeds and straw) obtained by all chemical treatments, except linuron at 1.0 kg / feddan was significantly similar to that obtained by the hand hoeing treatment and significantly higher than that obtained by the unweeded control . Plant height, number of plants / m2, yield (seeds and straw) and yield components were not affected generally by the interaction of N levels and weed control treatments.
Publication year 1987
Pages pp. 143-157
Organization Name
serial title Assiut Journal of Agric. Sci.
Author(s) from ARC
Vicia faba. Weed control.
Publication Type Journal