The efficacy of certain broad-leaved herbicides and graminicides in soybean fields as affected by herbex

Abstract: Field experiments were conducted at Mallawi Research Station for two successive seasons 1990 and 1991 to study the effect of herbex as adjuvant on the efficacy of certain broad - leaved herbicides , I . e . bentazon and fomesafen and graminicides , I . e . fluazifop and Haloxyfop on soybean yield and associated weeds . combined analysis of the seasons of the two seasons indicated that 1.0 L / fed . of herbex could replace half the rate of bentazon or two thirds of the rate of fomesafen without loosing any significant activity on the control of total broad - leaved weeds or the yield . The response of graminicides to herbex was much lower that observed for the broad - leaved herbicides . Thus, one litre of herbex could replace 1.0 L/ of fluazifop (only quarter of the recommended rate) and half a litre of Haloxifop (one third of the recommended rate) without loosing any significant activity on the control of total grasses or yield . Haloxyfop at 0.5 L / fed . + 1 L of Herbex resulted in the same yield of 1.5 L of the same herbicides or 4 L of fluazifop alone
Publication year 1992
Pages 149-157
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    حسن رسمي الوكيل
    جورجي ملاك ميخائيل
Agris Categories Weeds and weed control
Herbicides. Soybeans. Yield components. Yield increases.
Proposed Agrovoc broad-leaved herbicides;graminicides;
Publication Type Journal