Weed /wheat competition in the Nile delta

Abstract: During 1994\1995 and 1995/96 winter seasons two field experiments were carried out in Sakha Agricultural Research Station to predict the critical period of weed competition as well as to study the effect of weed/wheat competition on grain yield. Data obtained indicated that the critical period of weed competition was pronounced in the interval 4-6 weeks. The highest yield was obtained when weeds were not allowed to compete about 4-6 weeks. The best grain yield (2.75-2.85 t/fed.) was achieved with hand weeding for 6 weeks from sowing compared to 1.31 t/fed. recorded where weeds were allowed to compete all the season at the first season. In the same respect at the second season, the optimum grain yield (2.42-2.63 t/fed.) was achieved with hand weeding for 6 weeks from sowing compared to 1.04 t/fed. recorded where weed competition occurred all season. Wheat yield losses was estimated by 42 and 56% due to weed competition all season at the two growing seasons, respectively whereas the fresh weight of the annual grasses at these plots were 11.59 and 13.01 t/fed. during the two growing seasons, respectively.
Publication year 1998
Pages 106-113
Organization Name
City اسيوط
serial title Assiut J. of Agric. Sci.
ISSN 0486-1110
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    سعد متولى شبل معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقلية - مركز البحوث الزراعية
Agris Categories Weeds and weed control
Triticum aestivum.
Proposed Agrovoc competition;grain yield;
Publication Type Journal