The response of Potamogeton crispus L. to chemical control after inducing sprouting to the dormant buds of the turions with Benzyl adenine.

Abstract: Attempts were made to examine the response of Potamogeton crispus L. to chemical control after inducing sprouting to all the dormant buds on the turions with Benzyl adenine (BA). The results show good evidence of increased susceptibility of Potamogeton crispus L. to chemical control following increased sprouting.
Treatment with 25 ppm morphactin caused complete decay after 3 days to the leaves and shoots of 2 weeks –old sprouted turions.
Treatment with low concentrations of 2,4-D and alachlor were also effective in killing the emerged leaves and shoots after 8 and 10 days respectively.
Malic hydrazide (MH) failed to show any herbicidal activity after increased sprouting with Benzyl Adenine (BA).
Publication year 1983
Pages 73-85
Organization Name
serial title Dept. of Natural Resources ; Inst. of African Research and Studies ,Cairo University ; and *Botany Lab., National Research Centre ; Cairo ; Egypt.
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    مصطفي امام معمل النبات بالمركز القومي للبحوث وقسم الموارد الطبيعيه بمعهد الدراسات الافريقيه.
    رافت المصري رافت المصري معمل النبات بالمركز القومي للبحوث وقسم الموارد الطبيعيه بمعهد الدراسات الافريقيه.
Agris Categories Weeds and weed control
Chemical control.
Proposed Agrovoc Potamogeton crispus L.;dormant buds;
Publication Type Journal