Effect of sowing methods and weed control treatments on wheat (Triticum aestivum L) and associated weeds

Abstract: During 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 winter seasons, two field experiments were conducted at Sakha Agricultural Research Station to detect the role of sowing methods and some weed control treatments on annual weeds and wheat yield.
Concerning the effect on total annual weeds, results indicated that Afir improved and Afir drilling methods significantly surpassed Afir broadcast method in its effect on annual weeds in the first season. All studied weed control treatments significantly reduced annual weeds during both seasons, as compared to weedy check. Brominal plus Topik, hand weeding (twice) and Topik (alone) were highly effective against annual weeds. The lowest fresh weights of total annual weeds were recorded by Afir improved or Afir drilling method with the application of Brominal plus Topik.
For the effect on wheat growth and yield components, data revealed that Afir drilling and Afir improved methods significantly surpassed Afir broadcast as it increased fresh weight of wheat leaves in the second season; increased number and fresh weight of tillers during the two seasons and produced the highest wheat grain yield in the second season. Brominal plus Topik, Topik (alone) and Brominal significantly increased fresh weight of wheat leaves; increased number and fresh weight of tillers and yielded the highest grain yield during both seasons. The highest fresh weight of wheat leaves was recorded by Afir drill or Afir improved methods with the application of Brominal plus Topik. Also, these practices significantly increased number and fresh weight of tillers and yielded the highest grain yield during both seasons.
It could be concluded that Afir improved or Afir drill methods with the application of Brominal plus Topik significantly effective against total annual weeds and increased wheat grain yield
Publication year 2004
Pages 4391-4400
Availability location المعمل المركزى لبحوث الحشائش -9 ش الجامعة مركز البحوث الزراعية – جيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City المنصورة
serial title J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ.
ISSN 1110-0346
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Weeds and weed control
Bromoxynil. Sowing. Triticum aestivum. Weed control. Wheats.
Publication Type Journal