A study on selectivity & efficiency of herbicides on weeds & sugar cane.

Abstract: Sugar cane is a poor competitor for weeds in early growth stages and good weed control is essential to achieve high yields. Post planting herbicides were evaluated in four experiments in Mataana Research Station during 1991/92 and 1992/93 seasons. The results showed that different formulations of Gesapax combi 80%WP and 50%FW gave a wide spectrum of weed control either broadleaf or grassy weeds ; Gramoxone as a contact post planting herbicide was effective in weed control and all of them were comparable with hand hoeing. There was no adverse effects on
Theoretical sugar yield or its quality, meanwhile Garlon characterized by its narrow spectrum of weed control and specified on some broadleaf weeds species. Thus , such herbicides can be advised for weed control in sugar cane according to the dominant weed species.
Publication year 1995
Pages 223-232
Availability location 9 ش الجامعة-مركز البحوث الزراعية-الجيزة.
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egypt. J. Appl. Sci. ,10 (7) , 223 – 232.
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    لطفي احمد المشد مركز البحوث الزراعية - المعمل المركزي لبحوث الحشائش
Agris Categories Weeds and weed control
Herbicides. Quality. Sugarcane.
Proposed Agrovoc Theoretical sugar yield;
Publication Type Journal