Effect of weed control treatments and N-fertilizer levels on weeds and Sugar cane (Saccharum sp.).

Abstract: Two field experiments were carried out at El-Mattaana Agricultural Research Station , Esna, Qena Governorate during 1999 / 2001 and 2000/ 2002 seasons to study the effect of weed control treatments i.e. metribuzin at 300 g/fed, glufosinate at 2L + 2L/ fed, hand hoeing 4 times and untreated (control) under N-fertilizer rates (180,210 and 240 kg/fed) on weeds and sugar cane yield. Results showed that hand hoeing 4 times was the best weed control treatment for controlling the weeds (broad-leaved weeds and grasses) at 90 and 150 days after planting in both seasons followed by metribuzin and glufosinate compared with control. Hand hoeing 4 times gave the highest yield of sugar cane by 49.67 (t/fed) and its increasing 26.71 % in 1st season,and 50.82 (t/fed) and its increasing 24.96 % in 2nd season. Yield of sugar cane was significantly increased with increasing N-fertilizer rates in both seasons. N-fertilizer at rate 240 kg/fed gave the highest yield of sugar cane by 44.82 and 45.91 (t/fed) in 1st and 2nd seasonss, respectively.From this study it is considered that hand hoeing 4 times and N-fertilizer at a rate of 240 kg/fed are excellent treatrment in controlling the weeds and give the highest sugar cane yield. Weeds and sugar cane yield were not affected by the interaction between N-fertilizer rates and weed control treatment.
Publication year 2003
Pages 371 – 382
Organization Name
serial title Bull. Fac. Agric., Cairo Univ.
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Weeds and weed control
Glufosinate. Metribuzin. Nitrogen fertilizers. Sugarcane. Weed control. Yield components.
Publication Type Journal