Common cocklebur ( Xanthum pensylvanicum VANICUM ) control in soybean as affected by bentazon under deferent moisture stress levels

Abstract: This study was conducted at the University of California , Davis, in the greenhouse to determine the effect of internal plant water stress on bentazon phytotoxi city to both soybean and common cocklebur, Bentazon was applied as a pos emergence herbicide at 0.5 , 1.0 and 1.5 lb a.i. / acre.

The results showed an increase in soybean injuries with increasing bentazon rate under low moisture stress levies ( -2.5 to – 5.0 bars ), and little or no phytotoxi city under medium ( -7.0 to – 10bars ) or high leveis ( - 12 to – 19 bars ).

Increasing moisture stress levies inside soybean plant caused significant decrease in both plant height and its fresh weight.

Fresh weight of soybean plant was highly correlated with moisture stress potential ( - 88.0 ) and decreased significantlt with bentazon rates under low moisture stress level .

The fresh weight of cockiebur tended to decrease significantly with increasing moisture stress or increasing bentazon rates all moisture stress levies and the correlation was strong under low and medium stress levies .
Publication year 1984
Pages 477-487
Availability location المعمل المركزى لبحوث الحشائش-9شارع الجامعة بالجيزة.
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Agricultural Research Review
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    D.E.BAYER University of California, Davis , U.S.A.
    E.RONCORNI University of California, Davis , U.S.A.
Agris Categories Weeds and weed control
Bentazone. Soybeans. Weed control.
Proposed Agrovoc Xanthum pensylvanicum;Common cocklebur;moisture stress levels;
Publication Type Journal