Effect of sowing methods, N-fertilization (bio and mineral) and some weed control treatments on wheat productivity

Abstract: Two field experiments were conducted at Shandaweel Agricultural Research station, Agricultural Research Center, Sohag Governorate (Upper Egypt) during successive growing winter seasons of 2006/07and 2007/08, to investigate the effect of three sowing methods (Afir drill, Afir broadcast and Afir in furrows methods), four N-fertilization treatments (50 kg N/fed., 75 kg N/fed., Serialin + 50 kg N/fed., and Serialin + 75 kg N/fed.) and five weed control treatments [(Derby 17.5% SC SC at 30 cc/ fed., Topik 15% WP at 140 g/ fed., Derby + Topik as herbicides), addition, hand weeding twice and unweeded (check)] on wheat associated weeds, yield and yield components and grain quality of (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. Giza 168. A split-split-plot design with three replicates was used.
Results revealed that Afir in furrows and Afir drill methods reduced significantly the dry weight of broad-leaved weeds, grassy weeds and total annual weeds compared to Afir broadcast method in both seasons. Application of 50kg N/fed. and Serialin + 50 kg N/fed. gave the lowest values of the dry weight of broad-leaved, grassy and total annual weeds compared to 75 kg N/fed. alone and with Serialin in both seasons. Hand weeding twice and Derby 17.5% SC at 30 cc/ fed. + Topik 15% WP at 140 g/ fed. gave the highest reduction of weeds compared to the other weed control treatments. These results reflected to gave the highest values of yield and its components of wheat. Furthermore, it was negatively correlated between grain yield ardab/fed., number of grains/spike, number of spikes/m2 and 1000-grain weight and the presented annual weeds in this study.
Publication year 2009
Pages 851-874
Availability location مكتبة كلية الزراعة - جامعة المنيا
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title . Minia J. Agric. Res. Develop.
ISSN 1110-0257
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    جمعه جمعه درويش كلية الزراعة - جامعة المنيا
    أبوبكر عبدالوهاب طنطاوي كلية الزراعة - جامعة المنيا
Agris Categories Weeds and weed control
Weed control. Wheats. Yield components. Yields.
Proposed Agrovoc sowing methods;N-fertilization;bio and mineral;
Publication Type Journal