Estimates of heterobel tiosis and combining ability in grain sorghum

Abstract: Three exotic cytoplasmic male sterile lines (A lines): ICSA 14, ICSA88015 and ATX623 and seven restorer lines (R lines); ICSA 16, ICSA 21, ICSR89022, ICSR89022, ICSR89038, ICSR90001; ICSR93001 and Dorado of grain sorghum, were crossed to produce 21 (A x R) F1's. Parents and hybrids were evaluated in field trials in 2003 at 3 locations. Mean squares due to parents were significant for all studied characters at all locations except panicle width at Assuit. Mean squares due to hybrids were also significant for all characters at all location. Data indicated that the contribution of variation due to interaction males x females was higher for all studied traits than either the contribution of that due to males or females, suggesting that to improve these traits breeder should use the heterosis breeding. Exceptions were for 50% heading at south Tahrir and Assuit, panicle length at South Tahrir and panicle width at Assuit and Shandaweel, where the contribution of parents was the highest. The cms tine (ATX623) and the restorer (ICSR89038) had the highest positive and significant GCA effect for grain yield at South Tahrir and Assuit and ICSA 14, ICSA 21, at Shandaweel SCA variance was more important than that of GCA for grain yield and its components. The best SCA effect for grain yield was exhibited in (ATX623 x ICSR93001) and (ICSA14 x ICSR89038) at South Tahrir (ATX623 x ICSR93001), (ICSR88015 x ICSR21) at Asssuit and (ICSA14 x ICSR90001), (ICSA88015 x ICSR89038) and (ATX623 x ICSR93001) at Shandaweel.

Heterosis as a percentage of the better parent was manifested for all studied traits. The highest positive and significant heterosis for grain yield was 41.41% (ICSA14 x ICSR8938) at South Tahrir, 75.59% (ATX623 x ICSR89038) at Assuit and 34.04% (ICSA88015 x ICSR89035) at Shandaweel. The hybrid ATX623 x ICSR93001 outyielded other tested hybrids under different environment and thus we recommend further testing of this hybrid in the evaluation trails in order to release it as a commercial hybrid.

Key word: Grain, Sorghum, Heterobeltiosis, Combining ability
Publication year 2004
Pages 41-60
Availability location معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقلية-مركز البحوث الزراعية -8ش الجامعه الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title المجلة المصرية لتربية النبات
Department Grain Sorghum Research
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal