Evaluating some new restorer lines for combining ability using early test in grain sorghum

Abstract: Eighteen grain sorghum hybrids were developed from three elite cytoplasmic male sterile (A) lines ICSA 1, ICSA37 AND ATX 631 and five F4 restorer (R-lines) families resulting from crosses among some local cultivars and population (pop-1) used as restorer lines (R-lines) viz., Gzr1, Gzr2, Gzr3, Gzr4, and Gzr5, as well as the check variety Dorado at ARC, Giza during 2002 growing season. The hybrids and their parental lines were evaluated in field trials grown at three locations viz., Nubaria, Sids and Shandaweel Agric.,Res. Stations during 2003 seasons.

Results of combined analysis generally displayed significant differences among A-lines, R-lines and their hybrids for all studied traits. Effect of females x males' interactions were insignificant except for plant height. The major role of additive genetic effects controlling grain yield and its components were proved. Grain yield showed a high estimate of 10.3% heterosis over the better parent in the cross ATX 631x Gzr1. In general the three crosses ICSA-1 x Gzr4, ICSA-37 x Gzr3, and ATX 631 x Gzr4 gave the highest heterosis estimates for grain yield and most of the studied of the studied traits.

Three of the R-lines (Gzr1, Gzr3, and Gzr4) surpassed the check variety Dorado in general combining ability for grain yield. The superior crosses were ICSA-37 x Gzr3, and ATX 631 x Gzr3, which had significantly higher yield potentiality than the crosses involving the combiner check dorado.

Key words: Sorghum, Heterosis, Cytoplasmic male sterility, Restorer lines, GCA, SCA
Publication year 2005
Pages 71-81
Availability location معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقلية-مركز البحوث الزراعية -8ش الجامعه الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City القاهرة
Department Grain Sorghum Research
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal