Responsive reaction of maize seed grades to certain evaluation tests
Abstract: Private enterprises involved in seed processing began to introduce seed grading methods emphasis on maize. Tow classes of seed shapes namely; round and flat and each class was categorized to medium and large according to seed size. It is, therefore decided to evaluate each category on the bases of germination capacity, 1000 - seed weight, field emergence, electric conductivity and their tolerance to certain vigor tests such as cold test and accelerated aging. Two genotypes namely; single yellow seed (cross 3062) and the three way white seed (cross 3057) were investigated. No significant differences were recorded between either genotypes or the interaction between genotype and year. Seed grades responded differently to the evaluation methods. The interaction between seed grades and year revealed that large round category gave the best field emergence in both seasons despite the differences between the response the grades to the evaluation method, The interaction between genotype and seed grade showed that large round grade gave the higher field emergence for both genotypes. In addition, the interaction of genotype, year and seed grade revealed that large round category of seed of both genotypes gave the highest field emergence values. Since there is certain significant responses to the evaluation method under investigation, it is advisable to take this into considerations, besides using a greater number of genotypes for such evaluation.
Publication year |
Organization Name |
Country |
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serial title |
المؤتمر الاول لمعهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقلية 2006
Department |
Seed Technology Research
Author(s) from ARC |
Agris Categories |
Crop husbandry
Proposed Agrovoc |
البذور;الذرة الشامية;
Publication Type |