Effect of harvesting date and storage periods on seed quality of faba bean (Vicia faba L.)
Abstract: Two field experiments were conducted in loam soils at Tag El-Eiz, Agricultural Research Station, Dakahlia Governorate, during two successive winter growing seasons of 2000-2001 and 2001-2002. The objective of the study was evaluate the effect of harvesting date and storage period on seed quality of faba bean variety (Giza 843). The results indicated that seed moisture content at 120 days from sowing was more than at 140 days. However, harvesting after 140 day from sowing increased 100 – seed wet weight, protein, carbohydrate and oil percentages in both seasons. Total phenols, tannins, trypsin and vicine content were decreased. The differences in seed protein patterns were obviously out findings due to differences in harvesting dates. Germination percentage increased gradually with later harvesting date. On the other hand, germination percentage of the seeds decreased gradually with the longevity of storage periods. The interaction between harvesting dates and storage periods indicated that harvesting at 140 day and storage period for six months is the best treatment to obtain the highest values of germination and quality of the seeds.
Publication year |
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Organization Name |
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serial title |
مجلة الزقازيق للبحوث الزراعية
Department |
Seed Technology Research
Author(s) from ARC |
Agris Categories |
Crop husbandryCropping patterns and systems
Faba beans.
Seed harvesters.
Seed storage.
Publication Type |