Gemmiza7: a new Egyptian long spike wheat cultivar
Abstract: Wheat plants having long spikes are very attractive to both breeder and producer. Thus, a considerable attention is paid in the Egyptian National Wheat Research Program (NWRP) to develop new long spike wheat cultivars. However, long spike cultivars are characterized by: long spike (50% longer than normal spike in a specific location); large number of kernels/spike (more than 100 kernels) and heavy kernels (10 – 15% heavier than those of normal cultivars). Sids series of long spike cultivars; Sids 4 to Sids 9, the result of the first attempt were susceptible to stripe rust, and have low tillering ability. As a result of the persistent effort made by (NWRP), the new long spike cultivar, Gemmiza 7 was released as a cultivar with high yielding potentiality, good tillering ability and rust resistant. A total of 167 experiments at different levels of grain yield evaluation were conducted at 7 different regions to represent the old and new lands of Egypt, for six successive seasons, 1994/1995 – 1999/2000. Data revealed that Gemmiza 7 out-yielded the commercial cultivars Sakha 69, Sids 1, Gemmiza 5 and Giza 164 in many locations at different regions for at least two seasons. Moreover, Gemmiza 7 grain yield increments ranged from 2.29 – 116 % comparing to the average grain yield of the four tested commercial cultivars. In addition, stability study indicated that Gemmiza 7 was superior at Middle and South Delta regions for six successive seasons. Likewise, rust resistance tests proved that Gemmiza 7 is resistant, and highly resistant to yellow and stem rusts, respectively. Therefore, the new long spike wheat cultivar, Gemmiza 7 is highly recommended to be grown in the old and new lands at Delta region in general and at Middle and South Delta in particular.
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Pages |
Availability location |
9 شارع الجامعة- الجيزة
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serial title |
جامعة المنصورة للعلوم الزراعية
Author(s) from ARC |
Agris Categories |
Agriculture - General aspects
Publication Type |