effect of maturity stage at harvesting on seed viability and seedling vigor of onion

Abstract: For the purpose of determining the ideal harvesting time, onion seeds were harvested on three occasions based upon: a) the period from the appearance of the first floret to date of harvesting, and b) capsule characteristics. Seed viability and seedling vigor were evaluated by some laboratory and field tests. Harvesting the seedheads at the beginning of capsules opening compared with either previous or successive harvesting led to an increase in: 1000 seed weight, ability of seed to withstand unfavorable storage conditions, ability of seed to produce plants surviving in the field. Also, the results showed highly significant correlation between field emergence or field survival and laboratory germination. Though the latter did not provide a reliable information on the effect of seed maturity on its viability. The results suggest harvesting onion seed when 1-5 % open capsules are noticed in the field. At this stage the seed has reached maximum weight, full maturation, high viability and vigor
Publication year 1993
Pages 2.3-217
Availability location معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقلية- 9شارع الجامعة- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Annals Agric. Sci., Ain Shams Univ.
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Agricultural research
Publication Type Journal