laboratory measures for predicting eield emergence potentiality of safflower seed

قياسات معملية للتبؤ بإنبات القرطم فى الحقل

Abstract: The purpose of the work reported here was to examine the relation between laboratory tests and the performance of the seed under field conditions. These tests were: weight of 1000 seed, standard germination, cold test, accelerated aging test, controlled deterioration test, conductivity test and seedling evaluation test. At Giza and Sids Experimental Station, 8 field emergence trials were conducted at 4 different dates during 1992-93 growing season. The results indicated no significant correlation between seed weight, accelerated aging germination, controlled deterioration germination, electrical conductivity, seedling dry matter, and field emergence. On the country, significant correlation coefficient were found between standard germination after or before soaking the seeds in water, cold test germination, seedling shoot length and field emergence were detected. Furthermore, the multiple regression between these strongest explanatory variables and field emergence indicated that a combination of standard germination after soaking the seed in water for 24 h. at 25°C, and measuring seedling length was superior to either test alone or to other test combinations as an indicator of field emergence.
Publication year 1993
Pages 433-439
Availability location معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقلية- 9شارع الجامعة- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Agricultural research
Safflower seed.
Publication Type Journal