effects of irrigation and harvesting treatments on yield and quality of some sesame (sesamum indicum l.) genotypes.

Abstract: The influence of irrigation number and harvesting date on
The quality of sesame seeds of four genotypes is well documented in this study using deferent viability and vigor tests. Also, the effect of both factors on seed yield is generally overlooked in two successive field experiments. The results indicated that the weight of 1000 seeds and seed yield per fed. Were improved by increasing the number of irrigation from 5 to 6 times ( 15 days intervals ) and the heights seed yield was obtained from the intermediate harvesting date ( 105 days from seed sowing in the field ) compared to early and late harvesting ( 90 and 120 days ,respectively ). However, seed harvested after 120 days possessed greater seed quality than those harvested after 90 and 105 days. Early harvested seeds ( 90 and 105 days ) were generally characterized by lower percentage germination, lower tolerant to osmotic stress and aging , poorer field emergence, lower seedling dry matter, higher seed coat/whole seed weight ratio and higher conductivity values than did seed harvested after 120 days. Furthermore, irrigation number and harvesting date influence also seedling vigor as measured by seedling dry matter, the more irrigated plants the more matured seed and higher seedling dry matter resulted. Seed harvested at 120 days produced larger and more vigorous seedlings than seed which had been mature at 95 days, while seeds from 105 days produced seedling of intermediate weight. It could be concluded that 6 irrigation times is crucial for producing high seed yield and harvesting the crop after 120 days is an important requirement for high seed quality responses.
Publication year 1997
Pages 168-187
Availability location معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقلية- 9شارع الجامعة- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
ISSN 1110-1571
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Agriculture - General aspects
Harvesting. Irrigation. Sesamum indicum.
Publication Type Journal