effects of different treatments on viability and chemical composition of cotton seed

Abstract: Two problems, among others, are incountered in cotton crop
Production. These include the use of rejected-testing seed for planting and the farmer’s complain from low germination of acid-delenting seeds. The objectives of this study were to find out a practical method by which rejected-testing seeds lose the viability , and can’t be used for planting purpose , without significant changes in their chemical for manufacturing purpose; the other objective was to determine the effect of acid-delenting treatment on seed germination, seedling vigor under optimal and sub optimal growth condition. Laboratory experiments were undertaken at seed technology research section, agricultural research center,. For rejected – testing seeds of. The experiments included seed deterioration treatments namely water steam of 80°C for 12 min., water sterilization of 110°C under pressure of 0.5 kgt/cm for 1 min, gamma rays with doses of 150 and 200 krad., heated air of 90°C for 60 min. and immersing the seeds in hot water of 100°C for 3 min. crude protein, crude oil, free fatty acids, moisture content, and germination (%) were determined. For accepted-testing seeds the experiments included immersing undelinted seeds in sulfuric acid solutions of 0,8,12 and 16 % for 10 min and then seed germination and seedling vigor were evaluated. The results indicate that all seed deterioration treatments ware effective to reduce extermly seed germinability without a significant effect on seed chemical composition excepting for heated air treatment which reduce significantly oil, protein and moisture content but increased free fatty acids compared with untreated seeds. Furthermore, gamma irradiation treatment has an advantage over any water treatments which requies dryting back the seeds to their orginal moisture content. The results also indicate insignificant differences in seed germination and seedling vigor when the seeds were treated with acid concentration of 8, 12 % and untreated seeds. But, there was a significant reduction in these properities when the seeds were treated with acid concentration of 16 %. Cold test results showed a considerably decrease in seed germination and seedling vigor which indicated the susceptibility of the cultivars involved in this study to low temperature at early growth stages .
Publication year 1999
Pages 189-204
Availability location معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقلية- 9شارع الجامعة- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egypt. J. Appl. Sci
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Agriculture - General aspects
Publication Type Journal