Performance of some grain sorghum lines and their hybrids under optimum and low input nitrogen conditions

Abstract: Twenty-eight crosses were developed from four cytoplasmic male sterile lines (CMS-lines) and seven restorer lines (R-lines) at Shandaweel Agric., Res., Station, Sohag, Egypt, in 2003 season. Two field trails were conducted separately for each N level (First trail with 50 kg N/fed., Second trail with 100 kg.,N/fed.,) in each trail, twenty eight crosses and their parental lines with the check Shandaweel-6 (sh-6) were evaluated in 2004 and 2005 successive seasons in the same Station. Data were recorded on days to 50% flowering, plant height (cm.), number of green leaves after grain filling, 1000-grain weight (g.), grain yield/plant (g.) and Nitrogen Tolerance Index (NTI).
The combined analysis of variance for each of the two levels of nitrogen over the two studied seasons showed highly significant differences among nitrogen (N) effects and genotypes (G) effects and their interaction. The best parents for general combining ability(gca) effects and the best crosses for specific combining ability (sca) effects and heterosis under low and high N levels were identified. Equal importance of additive (gca) and non-additive (sca) variances were found in some studied traits. For grain yield the gca effect of the female line (ATX-ARG-1) was positive highly significant under both N levels. While, the female (ATX-2-2) had positive highly significant gca effect under high level of N. The male lines R-93001 and R-89028 had Positive significantly gca effects under low N level. But the male line (Zenzpar-821) had positive significantly gca effects under high N level. These lines can be used in breeding program for low and high N levels. Also, the crosses (ATX-ARG-1x Zenzpar-821), (ATX- ARG-1x R-93012), (ATX- ARG-1x R-93001), (ATX- ARG-1x ZSV-14) (ATX-2-2 x R-93012), (ATX-2-2x ZSV-14) , (ATX-2-1 x R-89028) (ATX-2-1 x R-89037) and (ATX-2-1 x Zenzpar-821) were the best crosses in grain yield/ plant under both N levels.

Publication year 2006
Pages 17:27
Availability location معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقلية - مركز البحوث الزراعية - ش الجامعه - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title J., Agric., Sci., Mansoura Unv
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمود محمد الدسوقي قسم الأراضي والمياه-كلية الزراعة-جامعة أسيوط
Agris Categories Crop husbandryPlant diseases
Hybrids. Sorghum bicolor.
Publication Type Journal