Performance of F1 grain sorghum hybrids (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) and estimating combining ability.

Abstract: Twenty-four grain sorghum hybrids, obtained by crossing each of three male sterile lines to eight restorer lines, were evaluated in randomized complete block design at two locations, Shandaweel Agric., Res., Farm-Sohag and Assiut Univ., Agric., Res., Farm, in 2001 season. Measurements for grain yield/plant, days to 50% flowering, plant height and 1000-grain weight were recorded. The genetic parameters were estimated by using line x tester analysis. The combined data over the two locations revealed that six crosses out-yielded significant by the check hybrid (shandaweel-6). Heterosis for grain yield/plant was high for these six crosses and it was 59.35,57.72,50.41,50.10,48.54 and 41.13 % over the best parent for the crosses (ICSA-10288 x MR-812), (ICSA-10288 x ICSR-94005), (ICSA-10288 x ICSR-93001), (ICSA-10288 x ICSR-93021), (ICSA-10288 x ICSR-92003) and (ICSA-37 x ICSR-92003), respectively. The female lines ICSA-10288; ICSA-37 and the restorer lines MR-812, ICSR-94005, ICSR-93001, ICSR-93021 and ICSR-92003 were good combiners for grain yield. For specific combining ability (sca), the cross (ICSA-10288 x MR-812) had highly significant sca effect. The six hybrids that out-yielded than the check hybrid needs to be tested on large scale before releasing as commercial hybrids.
Publication year 2006
Pages 17-27
Availability location معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقليه - مركز البحوث الزراعية - ش الجامعه - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ.
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Pests of plantsPlant diseases
Hybrids. Sorghum bicolor.
Publication Type Journal